Books and Tapes
Aviation Books
See several more books on our Clearance Page!
Taming the Taildragger. This is the classic, basic tailwheel book by
John F. Ball. Basic flight manual for taildraggers, with performance specs for a
variety of older taildragger models. The author is pretty low-key, and explains
things clearly without a lot of fluff. Basic performance and limitations charts
for Aeronca Champ, Citabria, Cessna 120, 140 and 170, Luscombe, Piper Cub,
Pacer, and Super Cub, Stinson, and Taylorcraft. 96 pp. $ 7.50
Taming the Taildragger - $7.50
The Compleat Taildragger Pilot. Harvey Plourde. Comprehensive,
illustrated manual which describes not only the mechanics of flying tailwheel
aircraft, but also the physics and mathematics behind why they behave as they
do. New chapters cover torque, crosswind landing gear, P-factor, crabbed
crosswind landing, and a special section for flight instructors, with plenty of
diagrams, graphs and equations to satisfy your curiosity. 263 pp, Paper: $
Compleat Taildragger Pilot - $23.70
SPECIAL! Get both books for only $30! Buy
the combo on-line! (Domestic orders only, international orders please email
us first.)
Taildragger Combo - $30.00
Advanced Pilots
Mountain Flying Bible from Sparky Imeson isn't
just a 2nd edition rehash of his original Mountain Flying book,
but instead is a whole new text with almost double the material!!
Each section covers a specific aspect of flight in natural order
including preflight, takeoff, enroute, arrival and landing. This
book presents a detailed and absolutely thorough analysis of just
about everything you'll need to know to travel safely in
mountainous terrain, including icons to highlight key
flight-critical information, warnings, rules of thumb, possible
courses of action and advanced techniques. "Operations
in the mountains are little different than any place else. It's
just that the safety margins are reduced to a greater extent, so
a pilot can't get away with many practices that are common at
lower elevations (with better aircraft performance) and more
hospitable terrain (that allows the pilot to go where he wants to
go)." (MF Bible) Thus you'll find chapters both on
items specific to mountain flying but also more general chapters
on basic aircraft operations with an eye towards achieving
maximum safety and performance. Sparky's writing style is very
readable, the book is extremely well organized, I absolutely
recommend this book to every pilot!! List 22.95, from us only $
Mountain Flying Bible - $19.95